Got pain ?
Get Better Faster with laser.

What is pain?
Pain is an uncomfortable sensation that arises as a result of various factors. It serves as a crucial warning system, alerting us to potential damage or injury in our bodies. Whether it’s a sharp, stabbing sensation or a dull, persistent ache, pain indicates that something is not well.
This sensation stops us from doing the things we enjoy and interferes with our ability to do things.
What causes pain?
Pain can be caused by a lot of factors some of which are: inflammation, an injury, a disease, swelling, a pinched nerve etc…
What do these all have in common? A compromise of the physical structures of the body.
How to get rid of the pain?
This is a common question that you will find yourself asking if you suffer from any sort of pain.
While you might get lots of answers to that same question we recommend identifying the source of the pain and fixing the root cause instead of taking pain killers to mask the pain without actually solving the issue.
If the pain is due to a compromise of the physical structures of your body then this can be solved by seeking treatment that repairs and heals them. No no, we are not talking about surgery! we are talking about Laser treatment.
How can laser help me?
Laser therapy can help decrease the pain that you are feeling in addition to stimulating your body to start repairing the damaged physical structures.
It is a known scientific fact that cells in our body respond to light, and the laser light used in our treatments can help stimulate those cells. It increase their production of ATP, which is the energy molecule used by our cells to do almost everything.
So more the energy available to cells means more repairs and regeneration done, and more repairs means less pain and faster healing.
Take Control of your health!
Weather it is acute or chronic pain everything has a solution. Take care of your body and in turn it will take care of you. So don’t let the pain stop you from doing the things you love!
So lets help you Get Better Faster !
If you have more questions you can contact us via: phone (587.405.9447) or email ([email protected]) or come visit us at WIC Physiotherapy and talk to our staff.